Tonight we are going to the carnival; me and Darryl. At my house I am drinking a bottle of rose whilst trying to cook a chicken stir fry for everybody. Darryl is walking around scratching his head with his mouth open, can of budweiser in his hand, telling me he doesnt like my sister's friend. My sister is drunk, sat on the sofa with a bottle of red wine banging on about some boring reggae band called "Freddy is eating a Fat fish" or something equally as ridiculous. My sister's boyfriend is sitting on the chair, he looks quite pissed, but he's not shouting his mouth off like the rest of them. My sister's friend is sat on the other chair, she is really drunk, she is coming out with a lot of crap, but she is getting along very well with Jemima, so I forgive her for her bohemian aspirations. Jemima is stood up on a stool calling out a fictitious register, to make sure that all of her imaginary friends are present in her made-up school. My mum is sat in the 'studio' drinking a bottle of budweiser with her friend Sarah. Her friend Sarah is sat in the room with my mum talking about pictures of Northern Australia on her digital camera (not an SLR)
Mitchell is at the carnival looking menacing with his freshly shaven grade-one, but Darryl doesn't even recognise him. Matt, Acres, Stefan and Dave arrive, but something happens and me and Dave have done one, out of the rain, into a white tent and we are with Imogen and Ellie now. We go back to Dawlish and hang around the happy huts for a while. Go to the Lansdowne and spot Dave Chappell senior's bald head dancing on the tele. Go downstairs and jump around to an old school ska band, acting as if its a proper gig. Outside we try and rob the bakery, its; me, Dave, Dave Chappell senior and Dave Chappell senior's twin brother. We each get a chocolate muffin. I scoff mine down fast leaving a trail off crumbs down the road to my house like Gretel did.
Horrible headache, from mixing wine and beer, in the morning. I drink, about the the capacity of the mediterranean sea, in tap water to try and rehydrate my brain. No football because of the rain. Today. I do nothing, apart from read a few chapters of Glamorama, have a bath, watch Big Brother's Little Brother and have a prepatory wank. Then I pick Darryl up from Matt's and take him to his house on my way to work. At work I do twenty-four deliveries, I get over a tenner in tips and will have earnt almost forty-quid in wages. Go home, watch some films, and it is one of the best nights in ages and ages.
In the morning Imogen is pestering us for some baccy. I see Dave in Co-op. I cook a quick stir-fry before work and go around Darryl's after to play xbox.
England wakes me up, about three times ringing me saying he wants to find some 'clunge' down at the warren but I am not interested. I talk to my mum about the magic tongue, the colon and the capital P. I have a poo and get engrossed in a thrilling chapter of Glamorama that goes on for ages, and subsequently ignore a few more calls from England. He comes around my house and interrupts my reading session so I have to go out. I get some petrol and a big can of Relentless - Juiced Energy and take it to the Langstone. We play table tennis and talk to a couple kids there. We find out all the gossip of the Langstone residents community and I throw a tennis ball at this kid, our new mates dont like this kid. England keeps on shouting "Oi Slut" at this twelve-year-old girl, she looks like an out of date emo kid and he tells her to "come over 'ere" but she either doesn't hear his calls or more likely, chooses to ignore them.
Dave comes to work with me and hangs around outside in the rain before he gets a train home. Work is rubbish because no pizza-eaters are about so I go home at ten. Play on an It-Box and then have a spliff with Dave, Bianca and Ryan Chappell.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
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