Friday, 31 July 2009

pestering people on the street with Dominoes leaflets

At mini-golf in Paignton Dave keeps on standing behnd Imogen as she takes a shot and she doesn't like it. Usually,when stood behind a girl, he would be making gestures with his hands and tongue towards her ass. But for some reason he isn't doing that today. Ellie hits a ball out of the stadium. Some chavs shout at us from the outside world. Dave wins the round by ten shots. And I set off an alarm on the final hole because I am so good.

We get a KFC, have a gamble and ride on the Waltzer; where I pretend to have an epileptic fit to attract attention. Back in Dawlish; Tom Acres isn't happy.

The morning after I pick up England from a girls house, we get Dave and play table-tennis. After an embarrassment of a contest between England and me, he rings up another girl and arranges to meet her tonight because he thinks he is a player.

We go to The Waterfront; me, Dave, Matt and Laney, where we meet Emma and Karis. It is a melee of insults, smashed glasses, flying pizza slices, inebriation, disrespected authority and a pepper-head. Dave is taking the piss and we are forced to leave. At Georges all we hear is "yeahhhhh you wud say that" and " are a...WANKER" in a faux Devonshire accent. Dave. He tries to fight everybody we walk past, chucks a wooden pole at the Quay carpark, falls into a few bramble bushes, holds the horn down in the car, jumps out of the car in traffic and runs around the road screaming like a lunatic. He causes; Polish people to chase us in reverse in their car; a leak in my ceiling; a sign to be broken in half and put in the back of my car; and some cuts and bruises to appear on his arms and legs.

Dominoes Pizza mess me around for a whole evening, before re-employing me. I start work the next day, and I am a 'delivery expert' now. The last delivery I do, I get lost. I'm sneeking around a dark and gloomy alleyway, feeling a bit vulnerable, knocking on doors looking for number two St Davids Terrace, after three knocks on a house with number two on the door, somebody answers and tells me that she lives at number two North Road. I snoop around for a bit more, I climb into three peoples gardens to try and find the house, and the thrid garden is the right one. The man seems friendly untill he tells me that the Chinese woman he spoke to on the phone "SHOULD LEARN TO SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH", then he gives me a two pound tip - a sort of repentance for his sin.

Back in Dawlish Barnes is drunk in the Lansdowne with cocktail sticks in his hair, swastikas, swear-words and pictures of penises all over his body, he has "I love cock" written on his shaft and the barmaid pours coca cola down his face. He goes to the toilet, cleans his face and comes back without mentioning it. As if by ignoring something, you can stop it from existing.

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