Saturday, 25 July 2009

when one add one add one still equals one

Like most other days in my life at the moment; nothing of interest happens. I drive around with England, throw some rubbish over a fence, gamble, kick a football aimlessly at fences and metal garages that make loud noises. I eat some food, drink some fluids, wash my body, do a poo, masturbate with the cat in the room. I cut some of my hair, I read some chapters of a book, I watch South Park in the night, I text my friends, I gamble some coins, I kick a football aimlessly at noisy surface-OH I've already done that today. I sit down on the floor in the kitchen, it is not comfortable for me because I cannot cross my legs. I am not a spastic, its just that my muscles are un-supple, probably due to the amount of walls I used to jump off for no reason as a kid. I sit in the kitchen. I sit infront of the washing machine, my retina pulsates in a cyclical motion, like how those googly eyes on joke birthday cards move. When the washing machine cycle is finished, I shuffle backwards and look up above the washing machine. Above the washing machine is the tumble dryer; a little more strained my eyeball follows the load around and around and around and around... when the clothes are both clean and dry, I put them on and sweat and spill drink and stain them with ejaculate untill the process needs to be repeated. Only this time I might watch naked whilst doing countless sit-ups, or I may look at the washing machine through a mirror to displace my repetitiveness.

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